Friday 8 February 2013

Mythbusters - Energy Edition part 2

Continuing on the theme from our last post, let’s keep on busting some common myths about saving energy.

The Myth
Switching lights on and off uses more energy than leaving them on.
The Truth 
The switching process itself does not use extra energy. You save energy by switching lights off even if you are leaving the room for a short period.

The Myth
Baths use more energy than showers.
The Truth
It depends on the length of time spent in the shower and whether you have an energy efficient shower head. If your showers are longer than 10 minutes, you are not necessarily saving water or energy.
Here is a simple test- next time you shower, plug the drain and keep the water in the tub. When you are done, is there more or less water in the bathtub than when you take a bath? If you want to reduce your usage, take shorter showers or install a water-saving shower head.

We look forward to uncovering more myths and truths to help everyone save energy! 

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